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TSBC Meeting Agenda – 11/22/2021
Revised Agenda
Tisbury School Building Committee
(meeting jointly with Tisbury Select Board, Tisbury School Committee, and Construction Manager Selection Committee)
Monday, November 22, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.
In accordance with the Governor’s attempt to limit the spread of Covid-19 this meeting will be held using the Zoom Platform – see login information below. The public is welcome to login and participate in this meeting.
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Meeting ID: 886 6621 4242
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- Construction Manager at Risk Selection Committee’s ranking presentation
- Tisbury School Building Committee vote to acknowledge the Construction Manager at Risk Selection Committee’s ranking
- Tisbury School Committee Review and Approve Invoices
- Tisbury School Committee vote to accept the Construction Manager at Risk Selection Committee’s ranking
- Tisbury School Committee vote to recommend that the Select Board begin contract negotiations
- Select Board vote to begin contract negotiations for Construction Manager at Risk
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