Construction Progress Update – 1/20/2023

Construction Progress Update 
January 2023

Abatement of hazardous materials in the 1929 section of the building has been completed on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
Air samples and tests were conducted, with clear results, which released spaces on the 2nd and 3rd floors to begin
demolition. Demolition on the 3rd floor is complete and demolition of the 2nd floor is scheduled to begin next week.
Abatement of the 1st floor will be completed within the next two weeks, followed by abatement of the window
sealant. Temporary heat has been installed into the existing building spaces and is operational. The site contractor
is currently grading the site, where the new addition will be constructed, in preparation for secant pile drilling
operations. Pile drilling will begin in two weeks, as the deep foundation systems begin. The contractor performing the
drilling will operate during normal business hours, pursuant to town ordinance.