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TSBC Meeting Agenda – 11/22/2021

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Revised Agenda

Tisbury School Building Committee
(meeting jointly with Tisbury Select Board, Tisbury School Committee, and Construction Manager Selection Committee)
Monday, November 22, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.

In accordance with the Governor’s attempt to limit the spread of Covid-19 this meeting will be held using the Zoom Platform – see login information below. The public is welcome to login and participate in this meeting.

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Meeting ID: 886 6621 4242
Passcode: 855273

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  1. Construction Manager at Risk Selection Committee’s ranking presentation
  2. Tisbury School Building Committee vote to acknowledge the Construction Manager at Risk Selection Committee’s ranking
  3. Tisbury School Committee Review and Approve Invoices
  4. Tisbury School Committee vote to accept the Construction Manager at Risk Selection Committee’s ranking
  5. Tisbury School Committee vote to recommend that the Select Board begin contract negotiations
  6. Select Board vote to begin contract negotiations for Construction Manager at Risk

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