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TSBC-PTO-TOSRC Joint Meeting Minutes – 3/18/2021
March 18, 2021
Tisbury School Building Committee, Tisbury School Parent Teacher Organization, Tisbury Open Space Recreation Committee
Joint Meeting Minutes
Tisbury School Building Committee
4:30PM, Thursday, March 18, 2021
by Zoom Cloud Conference due to Covid-19 Restrictions
TSBC Members Present: | Chair Harold Chapdelaine, John Custer, Sean DeBettencourt, Peter Gearhart, Rita Jeffers, Reade Milne, Rachel Orr, Jim Rogers, Michael Watts*, |
Marie Laursen, Recorder – Marni Lipke, Daedalus Projects – Christina Opper, Amanda Sawyer, Tappé Architects – Chris Blessen, |
Town: | Town Administrator – Jay Grande, Planning Bd. – Ben Robinson, Select Board –Jeff Krystal, Jim Rogers, |
MVPS/PTO: | Prin. John Custer, Asst. Prin. – Melissa Ogden, Sean DeBettencourt, Meredith Goldthwait, Rita Jeffers, Natalie Krauthamer, Emily Levett, Anne Williamson, |
* TSBC members late arrivals or early departures. |
1. Call To Order & Virtual Meeting Reminders
• Tisbury School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) was called to order and President Siobhan Mullin welcomed the Tisbury School Building Committee (TSBC) and Open Space Recreation Committee. There would be a presentation of the project followed by a question/answer/comment period. Later in the meeting the PTO would attend to its other business
• The Tisbury School Building Committee 2019-2021 (TSBC)was called to order 6:34PM. TSBC Chair Harold Chapdelaine reviewed the protocol for remote meetings occasioned by the pandemic. All participants were welcome. In order to facilitate the technology he asked that:
– microphones be muted to reduce background noise,
– participants raise hands either by Zoom option or on video;
– non-TSBC members turn off their video to preserve bandwidth.
The meeting was being recorded for posting, along with all background documents, on the Project website Written WSHC minutes would be available by contacting
• Mr. Jim Rogers joined the meeting late due to technical difficulties.
• The Open Space Recreation Committee meeting was called to order 6:36PM and Chair Cheryl Doble called attendance and expressed their appreciation of being part of this discussion on an important component of Town public space.
• Ms. Christina Opper and Ms. Amanda Sawyer of Owners Project Manager (OPM) Daedalus Projects, Inc. and Mr. Chris Blessen of Tappé Architects were introduced.
– (Recorder’s note: Discussions are summarized and grouped for clarity and brevity.)
2 . Tisbury School Building Committee (TSBC) Attendance – was called.
3 . Presentation of Tisbury School Project (See documents on file.)
• Mr. Chapdelaine emphasized a number of points.
– The project was in the schematic design phase (step 1), a placeholder in both concept and cost, followed by step 2 funding and then step 3 design development constituting further depth and refinements.
– The TSBC acknowledged and appreciated the PTO sponsorship of Community Preservation Committee (CPC) funding.
– Although it was the Town’s primary educational facility, a strongly favored TSBC goal for the project as a whole and the site plan in particular was integration as a community resource. Consequently the TSBC was coordinating as much as possible with other Town Boards, Departments and Committees.
– Another important project goal was to preserve functional play space on the limited location. So although a currently underutilized courtyard was filled in, the proposed building adhered closely to the current perimeters.
– The Tisbury Select Board (TSB) and Tisbury School Committee (TSC) were cosponsors of this project. The current TSBC would cease in June 2021 and be reconstituted with many component representatives for facets of the project.
• Mr. Blessen started the presentation with an areal view of the Tisbury School and grounds showing high use play area bare patches, and parking/bus pull-offs.
• The new design aimed at a more cohesive park-like environment. Play areas were split between primary and older grades. Components included: structures, playing fields, basketball court, outdoor classrooms, amphitheaters, picnic areas, school and rain gardens, and a tricycle/bike/walking loop. Low level lighting might be installed.
– The new building community entrance was at the same level as the parking lot and the West Williams St. entrance was preserved and freshened.
– Plan revisions in response to a lot of excellent feedback, had not yet been rendered.
• The Open Space Recreation members, PTO and public commented and raised issues.
– There was a request to consider using the field behind the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) building for further Town/School recreation. The space in question was a leaching field for sewage plant treated wastewater.
– All the School entrances, approaches and play areas were American Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible. This included access points in the fence that allowed students and public to approach the School through the grounds.
– The basketball courts and play areas were partially fenced for safety margins.
– Play areas, outdoor classrooms and teacher observation points would be well-shaded once trees grew to maturity.
– The amphitheater took advantage of the grade and could seat 200 or more people.
– School garden space was increased. The rain garden was not only a teaching and play tool but also took advantage of the natural site grade and drainage.
• When the school was in session the school use took priority and any public use had be coordinated with the Principal. However the site plan (and School building) was designed for public and community use. For example the site could include an east side walking path (see below: Actions).
• Tappé was working on planning with other Town Boards (e.g. Safe Streets and Complete Streets) in terms of safe School crossings, traffic flow, and the balance between wider/safer sidewalks and loss of play area. Mr. Chapdelaine again emphasized forward-looking coordination with all Town departments for the most efficient uses of Town resources and funds.
– There was a discussion on re-design of the current parking lot and parent drop-off and bus parking.
• The plan received general praise and excitement from staff, parents and the Open Space Recreation Committee. In addition to the CPC funds the PTO was considering fundraising. If the project was approved, the PTO and other stakeholders would be actively involved in the next design phase.
Mr. Blessen then presented the building design emphasizing a number of new features.
• A TSBC design goal was to minimize changes to the original 1929 building to keep costs responsible.
– The massing showed the 1929 building as the centerpiece to the facility. The next design phase would specify window design and configuration. The project introduced as much natural daylight as possible with clerestory panels in the gym and cafeteria, as well as indirect or borrowed light throughout the facility.
• The gym/stage and community use/Town Meetings section was dropped to the level of the parking lot and could be cordoned off from the rest of the school. It included: a full basketball court, performance area, bleachers, changing rooms, and large enough bathrooms to accommodate public events. All features were ADA accessible including an elevator from this level to the 2nd floor. In addition there was emergency supply storage in case of use as a shelter. The music and practice rooms were also on this level with mirrors for flexible use as off-stage preparation rooms.
• The next floor did not extend over the gym/music rooms due to the double height of the ceilings. It contained the primary grade classrooms (including a kindergarten outdoor garden/reading area), a cafeteria large enough for the School to have 3 lunch sessions. (Desks were shown in the current Covid-19 configuration.)
– Integrated Special Education spaces and central media center/common rooms were repeated on each of the above floors. These allowed for flexible spaces, easy access to resources and 21st Century learning.
– A wing on this level housed Project Headway (pre-kindergarten shared services), as well as the nurse’s office and main administration.
• The School was designed with modern security: entrances with spaced doubled doors and clear views and/or cameras for front office control, evacuation routes, and internal doors for section isolation. The original West Williams entrance would be functional (e.g. for emergencies) but was the only non-ADA accessible entrance. It was the location of a central staircase and elevator enclosed in a firewall.
• The second floor housed grades 3-5, health and foreign language rooms. It was configured around the same Special Education integration and the same media/commons room with glassy or movable walls to accommodate small group learning, small conference rooms, or offices.
– In order to remediate the current bottle-necked internal traffic pattern the level had a walkway over the cafeteria.
• The middle school (6th- 8th grades) was on the third floor with a second principal’s office and the same configuration regarding the media commons and special education space integration.
• Again the comments were excited and people were impressed with the new design.
– The building would be solar ready and further solar installation would be planned during construction. Plans were for a net-zero facility with insulation, heating/cooling/ventilation and other energy efficient upgraded systems that would contribute to the health and comfort of students and staff in keeping with Tisbury Green Community environmentally friendly status.
– The cafeteria space would be available for public use.
– There was considerable concern and discussion about the walkway over the cafeteria as a temptation to throw or drop things on the students below, as well as, as a safety hazard. Mr. Blessen attested that he had installed similar features in other schools that functioned well, also pointing out that when faced with responsibility the vast majority of students (with always a few exceptions) behaved remarkably responsibly and modeled behavior—a learning opportunity for older students to mentor younger ones. The walkway would be properly guard-railed to safety standards and not dissimilar to balconies and stairwells. A similar Edgartown School feature was not a problem.
– Internal security doors would be automatic and remain open for the majority of the time. Tappé hardware experts included dampers and soft closing to minimize noise.
• From a professionals perspective, Mr. Blessen stressed his particular excitement about this project which succeeded in completely fulfilling the education plan and 21st Century learning adaptation, where many other renovation projects failed.
• The TSBC with PTO support was working on outreach such as:
– small group zooms on request to answer questions and present the project;
– literature including tax impact and other frequently asked questions (FAQs);
– tentative plans for in-person presentations.
Everyone was welcome to contact the TSBC with requests, comments or questions (see below: Actions).
• Thanks went to all for their attendance, feedback and attention.
8. Public Comments – See above.
9 . Other Topics Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair Within 48 Hours of the Meeting – None
10 . Adjournment
Appendix A: Meetings/Events:
• TS BC – 5 : 3 0PM, Mond ay, April 5, 2021 – Zoom
• TSC – 4 : 0 0PM, Tu esday, April 13, 2021 – Zoom
Appendix B: Actions:
Mr. Chapdelaine/Ms. Opper – get material to the PTO for their outreach efforts.
Mr. Chapdelaine/Mr. Blessen – contact Planning Board re: Safe Streets interface.
Mr. Blessen – request an east side walking path from Spring to W. Willams Streets.
All – send Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to Mr. Chapdelaine and Ms. Opper.
Agenda – TSBC Next Phase.
Appendix C: Documents on File: Available at : / click on Tisbury School Project
(Official archive hard copies on file at Tisbury Town Hall & Tisbury School):
• Agenda 3/18/21
Minutes respectfully submitted by Office On Call/Marni Lipke.
Approved as amended by the TSBC 4/5/21