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TSBC-TSC-TSB Joint Meeting Agenda – 12/13/2022

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Notice of a Meeting
Tisbury School Committee meeting jointly with the Tisbury School Building Committee and the Tisbury Select Board
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
4:00 pm
Remote meeting; Zoom link listed below


  1. Approval of past meeting minutes
    1. School Committee
    2. School Building Committee
  2. School Building Committee report
    1. Project Update
      1. Owner’s Project Manager
      2. Construction Manager
      3. Architect
  3. Superintendent’s report
    1. All-Island School Committee
    2. Student Support Services update
  4. Financial report
    1. Fund balances
    2. School Choice funding request
    3. FY2024 budget
    4. Approval of school project invoices
    5. Grants
  5. School staff comments
  6. Public comment
  7. Topics Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chairs


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 814 7211 9532 
Passcode: 004587 
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+13126266799,,81472119532#,,,,*004587# US (Chicago)

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    +1 309 205 3325 US 
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Meeting ID: 814 7211 9532 
Passcode: 004587 
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