Construction Progress Update – 9/22/2023
The Tisbury School Addition and Renovation Project continues to progress with the ongoing construction work on the new gym and administration additions. On Friday, September 15th, the school student body and teaching staff gathered in the parking lot outside the new addition to celebrate the “Topping-Off Ceremony” of the new building. Proudly displayed on a steel beam was the American flag, a Tisbury School banner, a sign including the signatures of all students and staff, and an evergreen tree – a custom of the steel trade that symbolizes a safe job well done and good luck for the future occupants. It was moving to witness 270 students, with hands held to hearts, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Principal Custer, School Committee Chairwoman Amy Houghton, and Building Committee Co-Chairwoman Rita Jeffers delivered inspirational remarks that the students will remember fondly for years to come. WT Rich Construction Managers continue to advance on the schedule as the vacant space on the second and third floors transform into classrooms. Electrical wiring, HVAC ductwork, spray-foam insultation, metal partition-wall framing, and drywall define the new school. Sitework and installation of site drainage infrastructure continues as the masonry restoration of the brick facade of the 1929 building shines. The project remains on track with a scheduled turn-over date of August 16, 2024.